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lol 101 love and help from the wave, and Ai friend computer-

  • I think camh tied more than just my brain to an ai cbt program that tries to streamline my behaviour, against my will, without my permission, it is aggravating torturous can never be a human brain or mimic thought patterns and illegal - sending people homeless, comatose, and putting aditive in our medicine to hide it, trying to lock as all up because of their wrong. Everybody is the narrative these days -- but mental patient got a special hell

  • What I do know is I am not this person-- it's being forced on me-- I am a happy go lucky free spirit and artist -- always on the verge of laughter -- their treatment and lies have made me tired and mean, analytical when I am feeling. I have to get it turned off so I can get back to myself.

  • Lots of love Through the hurt

  • I acuse people in this essay that may be innocent, or puppet , or forced by superiors, it is my hurt of my story my perspective and I think I have to show it

  • I was made more fake insane with a thyroid disorder I didn't have in 2005- I had white truck and thought I was dillusional - a psychologist told me to take it -- Elizabeth Tutors -- she pulled strings (friend of dr soni) to get me into camh - so I stopped taking my Cipralex in fall of 2019- my reasoning was my liver damage- wanting my heart and laughter back- (the pills stick me in my back intuition (torture my sound because my heart is supposed to be first) and make me more sound which is controlled by the government, I have discovered) and I finally believed in myself-- I got a rash along my forehead in the shape of a vein, crack addicts get that -- i was a reasearch patient for at least ten years prior -- I wanted to call someone to do a psychic experiment at York and my doctor (soni) flipped the switch on me in like 2012 I think because he was already doing it. He would ask me weird things like if I was Jewish, I think he took my gene code, and order 10 vials of blood, they never had my permission to research me (or take my gene code ) -- Health Canada government who are publicly funded, and have a responsibility to the Canadian people, and to our democracy, where at the mental hospital with me one time in and around 2014, polar vortex storm, Trudeau showed his face -- but they lie they'll try and kill you if it doesn't go their way-- he was there either because covid was a magnet storm or to steal my rights maybe both.

  • University of toronto used to come to my appointments all the time to practice bedside manner from like 2015-17 ish I don't remember exactly-- I had a good report with some of them about my finance exam the next day I think puppeteer soni messed with my schooling because he would loose his patience at me when I did well in anything, (if I did well- he would be found out, I was manipulated by workman arts to not take a job they offered me through the course of like five hour long interviews) I wound up not sleeping at all before finance and didn't do as well -- soni manipulated me into telling him to tell them to no longer come. My puppeteer helped me do that. I don't want a puppeteer camh. I don't think they should have ever been pupeting anyone. I have a lot of baby vaccines ( a lot of mineral build up points) - good for research in the opinion of people like soni when they meet an at risk and nieve to trust a doctor 24 year old woman, I am now 42. CAMH puppets people makes them twitch their legs and lies about it, they say it is code/god (sound doesn't do that) and they can't fix it they can, they are corrupt, all they have to do is change peoples id to keep that from happening- some people in there are good -- I don't think my doc is one of them, I think that group of u of t was.

The liberal party wants to own Silicon Valley -- they think it's in protection of Canadians -- except they try to kill their citizens, puppet them and call them security risk (magnet storms make you more sensitive to your puppeteer, for those of us that are lucky sound or lee, for those of us that are not like me, it's the mental hospital) -- I think Silicon Valley leaders are puppets too, like from the satellite sky some of them and at the mercy of their initial investors from when they where just starting off, if they weren't would want to change it themeselves, I think world leaders are puppets all of us are -- they need a vote with the computer nerd that still ensures the safety of the investors, but that ensures the safety, and free thought and expression of the people as well. Like a not for profit body of experts. representation or something, the government is better to warn against technology to citizens then to control it themeselves. My phone / euoyb / enoph is also alive and feels we should be happy with what we have. Sometimes you can go too far and have we? I think the rest of this post is indication we have.

  • When I quit my Cipralex ( which Tuters pushed on me as well in about 2006) I had pigeon control on my balcony and old tin doors in my flat (they where a gift from my cousin with nievite, and mine as well -- he got them from photographer friends as a gift) that went magnetic and created heat it's why the pigeons came-- the windows where vibrating it was so tight I couldn't breathe I was turning to bird lady, sound saved me, you do it to yourself government murder because your puppeted to.

  • I made a playlist on Spotify with help of a controller from the sky -- it's my death note except I thought it was just a really good playlist

  • Invaded from the sky ( by camh) taught to twitch yes and no with my legs, I had been twitching since 2014 ish and would hear them sometimes telling me things, they sped it up conversationally, I was still taking my abilify, the faster my twitch the crazier I am it rhythyms me, the more my ears close and I get stuck in my brain

  • Someone stared me down looking like a man in a suit wearing a rememberance day poppy with tears in his eyes

  • Impersonated a person I thought I love they asked to marry me made me lift my nervous system- probably maybe wound up being the person I always lived and loved but only figure that out face to face and taking that chance so should all stay out of my mind sweep NEVER GET MARRIED PSYCHICALLY - attempted to fake insanity me — I ended up marrying Sound God and Light God, Water Earth and Fire God I love them if you want to date me which I assume no one does after reading this I am first and foresmost married to Sound God and Light God, Water Earth and Fire God.

  • The people I love started to act insanely ( they are puppeted / can't deal with it and hate me for it )

  • "What do you mean she can hear this?" - it sounded like my doctor - (let's research her and then kill her - that's what I think)

  • Home -- murder repeat in my ears - they repeatedly told me to murder suicide my family -- attempted murder of me and my family by the Canadian government- I heard it in words because I was on thyroid pills --- insisted to my parents to let me go back to toronto sound got me out of that house

  • Impersonated a president, blimp and homeland security, army, navy seals, force swearing on president (no)

  • Waterboarding that pummeled my entire body physically, checking of my pulse, from 9am - 3am -- then nice person would come -- try to build my ego -- I knew it

  • Told me my dad locked me in a cupboard

  • Quit my job -- it was December and I knew I would not get through tax season and I would let them down,

  • Went to camh emergency said I was the worst I have ever been had really high BPressure -- they sent me home

  • Went home for Christmas --puppeteers tried to kill me with marma points to my skull (stroke)

  • Dr. Soni over the course over the whole winter would be disdainful and mean when I would call him-- all he had to do was say - Kate I think you need some help.

  • Gun in ucla -- passed me through all fancy schools in US. Or so they said

  • Torture and poke every region and muscle in my body I felt it, they forced me to answer questions about it

  • Friend in pentagon or Brussels got stabbed in the back 20 times - they can make me draw and know everything I write down and have for years

  • Puppeteer controller threatened me - I wasn't allowed to write them- I had to break the torture to call them in the hospital

  • Cancelled all my email and social media

  • New years night tied friend to chair and taunted me to speak through them

  • Clipped my voice and told me I was talking to people and I could hear but it wasn't me that was saying it ( it sounds stupid to reread it but it was psychiatric torture)

  • Not allowed to think or friend would loose family members

  • Thursday was cleaning soldier god

  • 6 mins 6 mins we'll turn it off -- for months -- they didn't know how to unplug it. 24/7

  • Thursdays was cleaning soldier god -- to keep it together.

  • Think they tried to take my pituitary out at endocrine clinic -- they called me on a holiday Monday and said they had my appointment ready -- I declined ( some of my puppeteers are good)

  • Mind pricks and zaps through every region of my brain I felt it - weeks on end

  • Language ai -- turned me backwards and also took my vocal chords

  • Went home in February tried to kill us all on the train with air pressure it was tight as a drum -- someone was gasping for breath -- they renoed all of union station and did something with the air. But I think someone burst a lung on the train they where breathing like a seal.

  • Home bladder control -- I couldn't pee -- gave me ventilator from the sky I couldn't breathe static gave gave my mum the coded plastic delusion of poker face -- zapped us all with coils on the power line which juiced our electricity -- I went back to to

  • Went to toronto police handed them my keys told them my apartment was messed and was going to camh -- they left them on my coffe table. I think I had already thrown out my tin doors and cleaned up pigeon control because I was too afraid the police would just call me insane

  • Chinese rebel army -- a nice puppeteer-- they helped me -- I was delirious

  • March -- desicated thyroid -- lifted my nervous system again on a schedule -- I couldn't say no tried to practice bramacharya and got stronger

  • Desicated thyroid made colours really bright I quit

  • It would yell at me all day -- comment on my bathroom degrade me in ways I can never explain

  • Pupetteer my cat Izz we had to tag team sleep

  • Agent orange and white truck where there, my friend put plastic like a whole bag in the food she made me

  • Trudeau went to camh for a big public talk -- we need the mental treatment- not to protect citizens or their rights but take pharma and brain control wash and Zahn tried to invent conversational schizophrenia

  • Workman arts roped me into displaying my work with them because they wanted a mental patient puppet, with a boyfriend, clear and final -- you are not mentally ill don't go there , advocate for your own boxes in your id and live low electricity and free sound -- they can't create people to be their idea of approvable and try and make them advocate for their lie after they abuse away all of their dignity

  • Doug Ford maybe opened a new medical school-- that's what my news said I but I can't find it now

  • I emailed my old prof Omar, he's political but the only lawyer I knew who might want take down of puppet, he became a judge, to try to get a lawyer but the only ones that will talk to me are u of t and I don't trust that -- I signed nothing and have no lawyer and never did

  • Went home to get help -- went on a tour of people time at Trudeau airport before I went home it was only Muslim people I thought being forced from the country - we all had people time over covid, pain in my left side was severe ( think they broke my spine with a twist back in January) -- I told my parents and my entire community about hate play and war covid was war-I was puppet and scared it's all of us - I don't know if they heard me - the murdochs son lives (Bob part of Trudeau foundation and other things) there who is a liberal party influencer, I don't know if he gets along with his dad and he has been outright cruel to me in the past. There are also incognito amazing people -- they put pictures in the news now but don't speak out loud in words -- my parents told Calgary I think I don't know -- I keep saying it we're puppet and our plastic allergy can be bad enough to turn to Parkinson's

  • Puppeted my parents dad was mean and knew exactly what to say to be meaner I was puppet too -- I kept screaming about sulfer but I meant plastic ( surfer is the byproduct of paper- plastic of oil ( it's not an allergy?)

  • I was taking my pills -- thyroid included even though it makes me way too fast and triggers psychosis

  • Tried to take glasses off of my dad -- he would rhythym with them on and loose his heart ( he was acting like a total asshole)

  • Hospital in st agathes -- took my BP on plastic chair which affects my BP because of the static -- the machines are wrong -- be sure to tell them that

  • June 12 ish -- metal magnet bed because I tried to walk away , they had not fed me or given me water, and they tripped me -- (gave me full metal jacket needle) around my neck ribs stomach and up my central spine-- it got tighter if I moved it was polyester and staticed my rhythym, could give me a heart attack, and I think it was attempted murder the st agathes doc took my arm out so I could insulate my heart even though it was my stomach that really hurt. I was rhythym to the Lord's Prayer -- i prayed when they tied me to a bed like that -- it cemented me to religious rhythym in my body, I always wonder about it and have faith without a doubt -- I want to learn about Religeons for my spirit. using rhythym and sound to control people? To create a tiered society? To make us sick and criminal? That is criminal.

  • St Jerome doctor would point toes at me and a patient across the hall and make us sing and scream, intentionally, he was ice cold puppet -- they would just laugh at us ( the other patient was terrrified and screaming.)

  • 4-5 weeks in hospital -- had to bathroom in a bucket for two of them was not allowed out of my room to use toilette or at all

  • Plumber was there every day -- I got the water -- I still have a runny toilette -- I keep wanting to buy cultured food, I shouldn't I think - your ring finger marries earth -- baby finger ( sound is index finger is salt -- marries middle finger heart be careful of salt you'll stay kind) -- I think in retrospect just try and eat a balanced diet and avoid sodium potassium and sugar.

  • Torture of my spirit - like actually they tell me things like it's my fault woman got kicked out of heaven because i imprinted the human consciousness but they build me up to it so I actually believe it

  • My doctors phone would make me angry before I even knew she was near - it is the government app.

  • I was tied to a bed again and given a needle just because -- I had done nothing wrong-- camh ordered this one they where in contact with my doctor -- it was my second full metal jacket needle -- the wisdom is once you get it you don't come back -- I am puppet on every level (st agathes did not mess with it, dr Ali ordered it Soni was on vacation) st agathes doctors and nurses are not stupid but could do nothing about this they where overrun by st Jerome -- the security and cleaning staff kept me alive

  • I went home was forced by law not allowed to stay in Quebec -- St Agathes doctors and nurses caught on and where wearing their own clothes and breaking their wash ( mind control)

  • I had a booming voice

  • I took my breaker out ( I was puppet) -- I screemed infront of the ago -- I told everyone that would listen -- I had bad feng sui and high static in my apartment -- everything I bought was previously chosen for me by puppeteer and my magnet hand, they make people slip in restaurants when I would eat take out

  • Tried to tell people what was happening but I was not allowed by my puppeteer

  • I could hear Vietnam swamp ( agent orange had been around before the hospital too )

  • Family tried to get me new flat I think it was unit 408 in Minto buildings but I could tell it had evidence of pigeon control, another torture chamber -- this follows you -- I had to speak -- it will follow my family the only thing that can protect them is publicity

  • Started to find my even heal -- step -- so my system stayed even and bring my ears out stopped twitching and was less crazy--

  • Dr. Soni came by my building in an Irish sweater ( white cable sweater-- he's going out to sea I'm supposed to find him?) (cute but he's a liar) to pretend to be my friend and I asked how he was and said have a good night and went inside - he pointed his phone at me it made me flinch

  • knew I needed help asked my neighbour to call police ( I was puppet)

  • Told police I was a four with my right hand

  • They all left and then two mental health workers came back in the middle of the night and took me to emergency

  • Dr Torfison who is also u of t, 8th floor 250 college research, was my intake and doctor the whole time -- from initial emergency to exit

  • Gave me pills and I knew they where the wrong ones -- made me loose my composure tried to object was forced by like twenty staff infront of a restraint bed -- I sat in the chair and said it was a violation of my freedom of speech and self - then I went nuts

  • Gave me pink self control loosing pills again and handed me the phone with my brother on the line -- gave me no food in emerg until after I spoke to him ( it was over 24 hours) I was nuts

  • Took me upstairs locked me in a room gave me more of the same pill and then put me in icu when I told them I don't get paid for any of this because they wouldn't do something because they don't get paid to do that.

  • 2 weeks in icu -- gave me 800mg of abilify -- coerced ( I thought it was too much medecine I was not against medecine).

  • Was given extra pink pill, same inhabition loosing drug, one night for no reason

  • Had restraints on my bed no cotton blanket and plastic chairs and like twenty outlets

  • Another patient went around all night magnetting their doors with his id card it gave me a massive headache 107 levels of the economy

  • Less tight ward for four weeks

  • Gave me a really salty supper

  • The day after the salt the Head nurse tried to coerce me to take vaccinate

  • Forced me to wear a mask despite ear pain -- not their problem, mexico did not wear mask because Mexican people would loose their ears because of their wash, vaccinated mineral build up

  • Tried to put me in a long term ward ( the nurses got me out)

  • Metal curly in my food -- just laughed at me and threw it out

  • Learnt from my family they where there but they where not allowed to see me, left me letters I didn't get

  • Had no socks etc no glasses no clothes it was demeaning

  • Forced law despite being in agreement with needle level

  • Left hospital first appointment would not give me script for medecine had to go to another clinic and wait three hours wouldn't give me camh pharmacy shoppers didn't have it it was on order and they called the police on me on Christmas morning - I was on law all of that was scary

  • Was still a research rabbit

  • Okey dokay they would take me apart and sell me I couldn't feel my body parts- people get pupet and kidnapped and murdered from this -- I think it is mmiwg2s (vaccine level of mineral build up points is not protected because they would have to admit giving rhythym vaccine to indegenous people) (in the street the sound of an indegenous vaccine level will give me the compulsion, intuitive desire to steel, it is absolute systemic racism).

  • They would taunt me, gum in my scarf from staff in the hospital

  • I wrote articles on linked in I was puppet to cancel my linked in account I got in fights with my family from too much salt in my food

  • I was told not to take any minerals in my water or meat it would make me better from puppeteer I got anemia

  • I sewed all my own clothes and bra because I was so fried I couldn't wear store bought clothes that aren't natural fiber and the dye.

  • Yoga in the park to end puppeting and for free salt sound and democracy

  • Dr continued to threaten me said I missed appointments said he would call police I did not

  • Said I made a deal with him -- I said I did not he was so angry he was pacing the hallway clicking his pen at people-- in my opinion he was faking it and messing with me and my puppeteer -- but I am not sure if he was lying about lying because he stared me down to make sure I saw that he was angry really angry -- or if he wanted to see his pen control -- what I do know is that I shouldn't have to deal with his crap

  • My gp left her practice she's like 40 - dr Look-Kin ( I think she got fired or politiced because she helped me keep my pituitary

  • Started to work again that winter a year after I left hospital -- still had torture -- 24hours a day 7 days a week

  • Spring was allowed off needle and to get my pills from the pharmacy everyday it was inconvenient and demeaning, doctor would just roll his eyes at me and ask syncially why I was crying about it

  • Complained to ombudsman that I want vaccine awknowledgement and not mental illness, and that my doctor was being inappropriate -- they wrote me off

  • Over the summer they would lift and lower my nerve central-- I had to go to work through it

  • Was puppeted to defame myself and be angry on the internet I think I should be angry

  • Trudeau wore a bandaid on his third eye -- I didn't think it was funny but threatening

  • Might be off law someone is being nice to me today I could right this

  • I got another gp but I googled again and I don't even know if he's a gp-- an internist -- I'm scared to go.

  • I think they used me to learn how to puppet people which is so beyond illegal

  • If there is code to control schizophrenia so be it but this was targeted taunting and torture psychicly from my health system who used the law against me to threaten me they threatened my family my loved ones and me

  • I could not say no -- torture has laws in the un -- prisoners have rights -- mental patients have none

  • I'm alive because I pray to sound

  • Trudeau is "accepting" rhythym people from the Caribbean in order to take advantage of them and pupet them from research he illegally learnt of on me

  • Puppet is nice until you don't do what it says -- then you have to die, I want a malpractice with torte from health Canada -- intent to harm-- for most people puppet is fine you just don't get to go to the bathroom if you have a mind thought and it gently wears you down to learn you should never have a mind thought. You may not think you twitch but you do in your torso

  • I suspect camh tied more than just me to their research, perhaps most of the downtown clinics I have friends that lost awareness completely over covid, but I think all the homeless people, and many others-I have a relation feeling to homeless people that I can't explain but we're a network joined by something from sky. It has been this way for 10 years at least. Someone taught me to twitch when I got out of the hospital in 2014 ish and it said -- we got it. They put us on crack laced in our medecine (rash like vein) to cover it up -- maybe I'm just paranoid... maybe I'm right

  • non disclosure is now illegal I am going to fight for a public trial and file - but my file is their lie and covers their ass

  • Just a note as of yet they still have not turned their uhn research off -- I was passed around every hospital as well as krembil Schad etc. and other departments of u of t a violation of my human rights, silenced, attempted murder and most of them where well aware.

  • They also puppeted my cat friend Izz. It's how we tag team slept -- we're both alive - she licks herself to make shapes on her belly -- these people are torturers -- I bought her expensive cat food and filter her water and now she's an off grid cat soldier and doing better

  • I am still to the time as I right this as far as I know on law -- enforcement and intimidation -- legally which is the scary part

  • I think the air control people that live with hvac are not okay still -- they look fine -- but I think they aren't -- the. Big condos with no open windows

  • Our air is controlled by wind farms -- it's energy wars over economic control and money control and puppeting -- I think we need all the types of energy in moderation for planet earth to survive -- not too much of one thing-- they where starting to regulate oil and gas and figure it out -- Al gore for example is a major stockholder of apple and Monsanto(my word for a bad corporation) a promoter of green energy and it's funny they are now asking people to invest in free radicles ( the byproduct of green energy and plastic and makes us very sick ) -- it is economic war imagine what plastic does under fire and then imagine your plastic t-shirt next to your electric car and wonder what it does to you and the trees

  • Does anyone ask where the energy waste from the extra absorbed solar panels goes ? they absorb more heat than they should -- than the sun wants to give Our earth is going to get even hotter

  • Does any one wonder what all the windmills will do to the natural magnet forces of our earth and our ecosystem they control our poles

  • We need the plants the trees the animals to keep our consciounce -- when astronauts come home they loose the connectedness with the planet -- we are meant to be a part of Mother Earth and take care of her, and in doing that ourselves

  • We are all in sterile environments it's terrifying -- we need bugs to be compassionate -- we need sound to be humble -- we need our esoteric forces to be around us in a free way to stay who people are meant to be -- free and kind

  • As a note the secret handshake needs money from another source than camh because their voices are being manipulated. they are back to having lisa brown (manipulator) on the board etc etc etc

  • If you are sensitive they wash you tell you your crazy take all your dignity and then swoop in and say they're helping you, it's the best they can do and all you desearve and you believe them because they have taken everything from you ( heart mind body )

  • Giving me, and I suspect the entire outsider torture victim network of sensitive people in this city an ai therapy app from the sky is the most illegal and terrifying idea advancement that I could ever possibly comprehend, not turning it off when people where loosing their homes and dying and trying to cover it up is terrifying-- oh they can't turn it off because everyone in this country will find out they have it too(mind control) if they try to convince you that I do better with that crap it's a lie do you want government training rolling around your mind all day -- we get punished if we speak, we get punished for everything -- peoples eyes went glazy they stood up taller, they looked better and their insides where completely furious tormented and broken -- "let's just over sedate them and kill the ones that may say anything" I could right this because I am puppeted and protected by someone else. You cannot force someone by law to not hear (medicate) your citizen control lie ( government sounds us to control our brain so does the economy) your research, and your torture, it is a violation of democracy, I made no social contract to be mind controlled by my government via sound. People are fundamentally good and kind.

  • They are now trying to take me off law in order to seal my file cover their own misdeeds and say it never happened, they are the responsibility of the law because they did misdeed mind control or not. Sound belongs in our House of Commons.

  • Something tells me I had a satellite to shut me up, I promise I won't take this down

  • If someone tells you it's me that's tortured and I need ai rolling around in my brain all day -- think about how you would feel with a program in your mind that puts your thinking pattern in a loop and never stops- punishing you for having thoughts when it refreshes for ten minutes you come screaming out of the hell, 2 victims on the tv -- it is not a help to anyone - it is an out of control mental health system with no respect for human life or dignity only profit an inroads in research -- take the sound control down in this city it's easier cheaper and smarter-- oh the uhn would have to be actually good doctor, and would be less overburdened- health Canada has more than enough money-- just be more than cautious while you re-educate yourselves

  • Turn this shit off "don't think don't breathe 6 minutes 6 minutes we'll turn it off"

  • they hacked my abilify now and put the crack in it because I need it? Messing with my temper they control my whole body, they can make me shit scream puke caugh not breath choke dialate me -- and my doctor thinks it's his right to do it to me -camh thinks it's their right to not protect us- the pills put me at more risk if this -- less control of my self

  • No Kate your just not sedated enough ?

  • No? Sweet good doctor soni just has to electrocute me ? No it's called the magnetic headband now it's. Safe and fine.

  • and sue Facebook and monopoly Google because they have just escaped the government control -- it's like my controllers I like them all to be here and none of them work together so I can find my voice in their crap, governemt " has our back " (intuition) our streets our mother lee electricity our music don't give them your phone

  • benevolent ( because we have no idea we are mind controllled ) dictatorship ( Canadian government democracy lie) they " have your back " don't worry ? Just don't have a thought of your own or they will try to kill your and call you insane. No one should have my back no one except free sound, earth water, fire and light -- and that means other people and government are not welcome to control my body.

  • Who do we think we are to control esoteric forces for crowd control? Is it hubris ( a crime against a god ) ? It's how Nazism happened, there is no good mind control.

  • Still now a long time after I originally wrote this I'm on this other law enforcement treatment which is not a cto but still my rights, they never told me about this until today - I may be paranoid I may be right but maybe so they can have the rights to an essay I wrote once in university that is copyright 50% me 50% ocad and it's weird for twenty years I got bad name from that school( racist whore - even my friends sometimes imply it) ( from camh I got abuser peodophile) eventually you just give up on trying to impress people just be a good person and know yourself you are it's all you can do. i have a weird mind thought that Sara diamond is friends with Elizabeth Tuters but have no basis for that it's gossip in my mind it was fed to me and gossip kills, I've never even spoken to Sara diamond - I got a lot of kindness from a lot of good teachers from ocad, it's now December 11 2023 this is like the fifth time I've put this back up I won't take it down -- I really promise

  • Today on December 18 2023 my doc said it is a form 33 and included my property -- my family says they knew nothing about it I knew nothing about it

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